St. Croix: The Unexpected Vacation

1 week tour? Try 1 month and then some. We flew Jeff out from San Diego on April 4th thinking we would leave Aruba a few days later and arrive in SXM in three days.  As you know things didn't work out so well. Anyway, we had some unpleasant seas coming from Bonaire. Also, about 24 hours into the voyage we discovered that one of our fuel filters was clogged (basically our engine was starting to fail). We had to make a decision. Turn of the engine at sea or turn back to Bonaire. After some slight whimpers (me), Jeff explained we could push forward. we all agreed. The weather had said 5 feet at 5 seconds. I think it was more like 10 feet at 1 second. Just a sloppy, slappy mess. Dogs and couches sliding all over the boat. Eventually, we had to make a decision to turn off the engine so Jeff could change the filter. We did a drill. I got all the life jackets, put them on the dogs and tried not to throw up in my mouth. We ended up waiting another day. Then it was time. It took 5 minutes, Jeff changed the filter, Greg started the engine and we were off at a all time high speed of 6.5 knots, then 6 knots, then 5 knots. The engine was failing again. There was another filter that needed to be changed. Another decision. 150 miles from land. Jeff and Greg changed the filter and I started the engine. It started then died. Ugh. Here we go. Eventually Greg and Jeff got it to go (more explanation I hope from either one of them at some point). And then our stabilizers failed. We decided that we should stop in St. Croix which is 100 miles from Sint Maarten. We all needed a break.

We arrived in St. Croix on Thursday, April 27th. It was by far the most uncomfortable passage ever. Everyone lost 5 pounds. The only ones who didn't get sick were the dogs. St. Croix has been a wonderful unexpected vacation. I could say it's great to be back in the states but are we really in the states? We rented a car and of course I have been the driver. Oh, have mentioned that in St. Croix you have to drive in the left side of the road? Fun. Not really. Anyway, the marina is beautiful and the island is as well. Everyone is super friendly, our mechanic Casey (Captain Ron), neighbor Austin (reminds me of Jim Newell), and everyone else. We have had fun exploring the island, going to a country music festival, crab races, micro brewery and a rum tasting. Looks like decent weather to Sint Maarten on Saturday. 3 feet at 10 seconds.


  1. We wondered what upset your plans. Thanks for the explanation. Some times fate has a way of giving us some unexpected pleasures to compensate for the difficulties. There is no sick like sea sick. Many years ago, Jeff and I got sick on an all night trip across Lake Michigan with severe storms. We wish you well in getting the engine repairs and an uneventful last leg of the relocation.


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