Leaving Bonaire

I have to say that being stranded in Bonaire is not bad. Not bad at all. We took H2 out for her third sea trial yesterday and she performed the way she should = happy crew. The past few days have been amazing. Swimming and drinking beers in Lac Bay, driving around the island checking out donkeys, goats and flamingos......this island is truly beautiful. Greg and I have decided that we'd like to come back and visit. This is not Colon.

Last night we had dinner at a restaurant called Capriccio that was recommended to us by a fellow named Patrick. Jeff and I met Patrick while taking the dogs for a swim. While Jeff and I were swimming, Patrick approached us and offered us beers. Yes please. Great guy. Anyway, dinner was outstanding last night, great pizza and lots of laughs. Until the glee club from the Scientology cruise ship showed up. That was our exit cue.

Tomorrow we plan to leave Bonaire and head north......maybe straight to Sint Maarten.


  1. May all your "strandings" be as pleasant as Bonaire. (Not that I wish you to be stranded because of mechanical problems, etc.)


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