Top Favorite Things About the Journey

Hopefully we will have a blog up soon that will describe in more detail about the last part of our journey to Aruba. Greg is working on it,but in the mean time I'd thought I'd share some favorite things about the journey. In no particular order.....

1. Seeing all the wildlife, especially the dolphins that would great me in the mornings

2. Jumping off the stern of Henrietta II for the first time in Zihautanejo

3. Meat plate off the food cart in Santa Marta, Colombia

4. The fantastic dinner and salsa show in Panama City

5. Arriving in Aruba!

6. Night watches, gazing at the stars

7. "Sampling" the beer in all the different countries

8. Watching Monty and Mazie go nuts when dolphins came up to the boat

9. Cooking at sea, pork and mango & black bean salsa, eggs with prosciutto and polenta, Jeff's pad-thai and his tarragon and cheese omelets

10. Bus ride into San Salvador

11. Date night out with Greg in El Salvador where we almost adopted a small boy at the circus

12. Bus ride into Puerta Vallarta

13. Watching a whale teach her calf how to breach in Banderas Bay

14. Tacos El Pastor

15. Transiting the Panama Canal


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