First Mate's Blog

After leaving Zihuatenjo, we headed to Acapulco where we needed to do some boat repairs and do a little provisioning. Once we learned how to med-moor for the first time (Greg will discuss further), we checked in, got some pool time in and ventured out for some dinner. Over across the hill was a tiny little town called Caleta. It was quaint and provided us with a feel for the locals without the hub bub of the big city. The marina we stayed at was a working marina and didn’t really do anything for us so we decided to head out around 4pm the next day. On our way out it was a little rough so when I went to open the fridge I was hit hard with about 7 tumbling Dos Equis. One hit the floor and started to spray so I immediately hucked it across the boat and outside (sorry I littered, sue me) with my right hand (I’m a lefty). It cleared, thank god and Jeff was a bit silent as he watched the whole thing go down. We laughed hysterically about it later. Anyway, after Acapulco we went to Huatulco which would be our last stop in Mexico, wow 1 month and we are already more than ½ way to Aruba. Huatulco was pretty sweet I must say, very charming lots of happy people and very clean. We hooked up with some really nice people in the marina and they insisted on showing us the town. The tacos El Pastor were amazing and so was the Mescal tasting. We left Huatulco Sunday morning and went pretty much straight across the Gulf of Tehuantepec (which you aren’t supposed to do). It was pretty calm and relaxing, Greg caught another Dorado and we promptly ate that for dinner ( again Greg will elaborate more details of the crossing).

The dogs are doing well, Monty figured out the proper place to pee but not the proper place to poop (Jeff’s cabin). Mazie thought that peeing on the bathroom floor was ok, as well as pooping 3 times on the rug (totally fine, she needed to go). At about 5am I went out to the stern on my watch to get some fresh air and low and behold they both went outside in the proper place so they are learning…slowly. They are fascinated with dolphins, Mazie has almost jumped overboard twice and Monty makes this howling noise that sounds like a dying cow.

Jeff and I are cooking up a storm, we switch off every day like the good crew that we are. We scour through cookbooks and get inspired only to find that we are lacking about ½ the ingredients, but we both make do. My polenta with fried eggs and crispy prosciutto is a big hit and Jeff’s pad thai was amazing as well as his chicken roulades. I had some carrots I needed to do something with so I pickled them with some jalapenos, tasted like the real deal. Thank you “Silver Spoon” cookbook, “Gourmet” (thanks Raizel!!) and Alice Waters ‘The Art of Simple Food”(thanks Jules!!).

Three inside phrases for the trip so far. “That’s what she said” ( I know that’s an easy one), “Good for you” and “ Chop Chop” ( Captain’s orders).

The watches are pretty fun, I’m on watch 10-12am & pm and 4-6am & pm every day. I have witnessed a bird smack into the side of the boat at night then saw it hang out thinking it’s injured, then watch Greg scoop it overboard( oh no it’s going to die) and then it just flies away squawking because it’s pissed off because it couldn’t catch a ride. Yesterday morning I got my coffee ready for my morning shift and was welcomed by a school of dolphins, not so bad.

Oh yeah, bucket showers. You scoop a big bucket of sea water overboard and douse yourself with it, there you go. Bucket Showers. Sometimes they take (George Constanza) and sometimes they don’t. On a hot day you take about 4 or 5. I lost Jeff’s prized blue bucket that had a sticker of Marilyn Monroe on it (we bought it for $2 in San Jose Del Cabo). Oh well time to buy more buckets, maybe the next one will feature Jayne Mansfield.

We coasted through Guatemala as I worked on my last 4 assignments for one of my classes. I’m almost done with my first semester and so far have 99% in both classes ( what a switch from high school, I guess I care now?). So the challenge is finding internet from El Salvador to Aruba which I will need at least once a week. I think I have it a lot better than all of my classmates.

Captain's Blog will be coming soon.....


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